
With the start of the school year approaching soon, it’s important to start preparing for the change in routine and all that comes with it. One of the most important things to do in preparation for the school year is helping your kids beat back to school anxiety.
As the summer winds down and kids prepare to head back to school, many parents feel a mixed bag of emotions. While the summer always creates lots of fun memories, it can also be refreshing to jump back into a season of more structure and routine. One aspect of the busy routine of the school year that many parents try to master is finding time to make healthy lunches for kids to take to school. Here are some ideas for making sure your kids always have wholesome lunches with them at school.  

Doing fun art projects is a great way to have some fun with your kids. By doing art projects that get your kids outdoors, you can help them experience some fresh air while exercising their creativity.

As a parent, you almost certainly start your day off with a cup of coffee to wake yourself up in the morning and to feel focused for the day. This is due to the caffeine content that coffee is known for, which boosts alertness, focus, and energy levels. While consuming caffeine is a well-known and generally accepted practice for adults, what many parents fail to realize is the effects caffeine has on kids.
Even though you may believe you are communicating clearly, it can seem like you’re talking to a wall at times. Here are some simple steps you can take in order to improve communication between you and your child with ADHD.
Kids who really fall into the “hyperactivity” category of ADHD often struggle to direct their energy towards something productive, further exacerbating feelings of restlessness and anxiety. As a parent, there are plenty of ways you can create some beneficial structure for your kids and to help them thrive. Here are some of the best activities for kids with ADHD that you can try.
Having pets can be very calming and therapeutic for kids with ADHD or who are on the autism spectrum. Pets also benefit kids by helping to develop social skills and emotional intelligence. And if you give your kids some responsibility for pets in your home, they can quickly learn valuable lessons in responsibility.
If you're parenting a  child that has been diagnosed with ADHD, you likely find it a solid explanation for some extra stress you might have experienced so far as a parent. ADHD, short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a mental health condition that affects the ability of your child to control focus, stay organized, plan ahead, and control impulses.
As the temperatures rise again and the sun stays out longer, it becomes easier and more enjoyable to step out your door and explore nature. Even if your schedule makes it difficult to get your kids outside, it’s well worth it to find opportunities to get outside and immerse you and your family in a natural setting.
While you will likely be looking out for puffy eyes, runny noses, and sore throats in your kids, you may also find that your kids struggle in a number of other ways during allergy season. Here things to look for and how to address them.

By including foods that help reduce inflammation into your kids’ diet, you can help relieve both temporary seasonal allergy symptoms along with seeing improved mood and mental clarity all-year long. Here are some great foods to try with your kids!

While times of stress can make it difficult to model appropriate behavior, it’s these sorts of moments that can be powerful opportunities for you to model healthy coping skills for your kids.
