Tips for Home Decoration

Home buying and decorating are one of the most important steps a family can take. The environment parents and children wake up in, come home to, and go to sleep in can make a significant difference in the quality of daily life. It only makes sense that parents of children with behavioral issues to choose and decorate their homes with intentionality for their kids.

When considering aspects that make a home environment what it is, coloring and lighting are good places to start. Right off the bat, you can cross florescent lights off your design list. When choosing a house, it is best to aim for one with plenty of soft, natural light from outside. Installed lights with the least glare or flickering are best for children with autism. Uplighting or diffused lighting are great options to achieve this.

Establishing different moods for specific rooms will serve your child well. Overall, muted colors are often preferred for children with autism. Shades of green and blue are often calming colors. These would fit best in a bedroom or kitchen. Warm colors such as red and yellow excite and work well with playrooms or living rooms. It is also best to avoid a multi-colored room.

Some autistic children function best with rooms that are designed for specific activities. For instance, if one room has lots of stimulating aspects, such as a television, games, and a play structure, then another room should be dedicated to relaxing and sitting with a quiet activity such as reading or studying. For autistic children, it is especially helpful for sleep if the bedroom is only used for sleeping and to have other rooms dedicated to other activities.

As for what is added to rooms for decorations, the less clutter the better. For instance, it is best to avoid hanging drapes from windows or to have family portraits hanging from the walls. Inside mount blinds for windows and simplistic paintings create a less cluttered look.

Soft, heavy furniture with lots of pillows creates a comforting and safe environment as well. Extra padding with blankets or quilts can also help to soften noise in the room. Some families with autistic children find it beneficial to add quilts to the walls to achieve this effect.

When it comes to making your home the most suitable for your child, be sure to pay attention to how they respond to different levels of stimulation in varying environments and to keep up on their interests. Making your home can be a way to bond with your child while creating a positive environment for your family.
