Four More Fall-Themed Art Projects for Your Child With Behavioral Issues

The time of year has come once again where the days shorten, the leaves turn, and thoughts of the holiday season move to the forefront of everyone’s minds. It’s the perfect time to use this festive time of year to revel in the warm colors and aesthetic themes that come with the autumn season. One of the best ways to enjoy the changing of the seasons is by having your child with autism engage in fun fall-themed art projects. Here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

Pinecone Turkeys

This idea is especially fun around Thanksgiving, but your kids will no doubt have fun with it at any point in the fall. All you need for this project are pinecones, pieces of felt, feathers, and googly eyes. First, do some exploring with your child to find the perfect pinecones. You can make this adventure educational by discussing the pinecones of different types of trees. This first part of the project is a good way for your child with autism to get some beneficial outdoor time and physical activity. Once you have your pinecones, cut the felt into little triangles for the nose on your turkey. Then, attach the feathers on the back and glue the googly eyes to complete your silly little birds.

Fingerprint Fall Tree

This fun art project for your child with asd is pretty straightforward and simple. Start by painting the trunk and the branches of the tree. Then, using red, orange, and yellow paint, have your child use their fingerprint for each of the leaves This activity is also a potential fun educational tool to teach your child with autism about how every person has unique fingerprints. The end result is a refrigerator worthy masterpiece that’s perfect for autumn

Thankful Tree

Another perfect activity for Thanksgiving, there are many ways you can put your own spin on this art project for your child with autism. Start with a small branch that is propped up with solid base, either in a flower vase, a small pale with rocks, or any other safe method that you find works well. Using fall colored paper, cut out simple leaf shapes and fill them with words representing what you are thankful for. You can also use drawings, or perhaps use magazines and search for images that work well. Once your leaves are made, add them to the branches of your thankful tree.

Painted Acorns

This art project is another great way to get your child with autism outdoors. It’s also incredibly simple and yields great-looking results. It’s as simple as it sounds: collect the best-looking acorns you can find, and have fun creating beautiful works of art with your favorite fall-themed colors. These fall-themed art projects are simple and are a great way to have fun with your child with autism while engaging in helpful sensory stimulation. For even more crafty ideas check out this list of even more fall-themed art projects.
