Supplements That Can Benefit Children With Behavioral Issues

Many factors can influence the challenges children with behavioral issues such as ASD or autism, such as inattention, social anxiety, and meltdowns. Certain deficits in skills or behavioral issues are often exacerbated by dietary issues that affect physical well-being. While certain nutritional choices can greatly benefit children with behavioral issues, strategically adding supplements to your child’s diet can result in increased energy, focus, and reduced anxiety.

Digestive Enzymes

Even with a diet full of healthy vitamins and minerals, digestive issues can prevent the nutrients from being fully absorbed into the body. Children with behavioral issues such as ADHD or autism often suffer from the leaky gut syndrome, a condition where nutrients leak through the lining of the intestines rather than being absorbed correctly. Digestive enzymes help break down food more thoroughly while reducing inflammation, allowing the most nutrients to be absorbed into the body.

Vitamin B6

Some studies have found that children with autism may have trouble converting vitamin B6 to its active form called P5P. Vitamin B6 helps with proper brain function and gastrointestinal health. Note that Neural Balance contains vitamin B6 in the active P5P form for superior absorption without the need for conversion. This offers the full benefit of the active form of B6 immediately upon absorption.


This essential mineral helps the nervous system to work smoothly, along with improved communication between synapses in the brain. Increasing the intake of magnesium can help reduce overall anxiety and regulate mood.

Omega 3

The body cannot produce Omega 3 fatty acids on its own, yet it is necessary for healthy brain function. Typical American diets fail to achieve an optimal amount, so adding supplements could be helpful. A healthy amount of Omega 3’s can help reduce impulsivity and aggression and improve focus.


Children with autism often have an intolerance to dairy products due to the presence of the protein casein. Since milk is often the main source of calcium for children, you may need to introduce calcium supplements for healthy and strong bones.

While these supplements can all be easily found over the counter, it is still important to consult a doctor before adding them to your children’s diet. There are possibilities of adverse effects taking place if supplements aren’t administered in the right amounts. However, figuring out the right combination of nutritional supplements for your child could prove to be a significant step in the right direction.
